These notes came from a discussion held at the Boston Gathering (September 2019) about creating volunteer-led learning circles and learning programs in a public library setting.
What skills or knowledge do people need to run learning circles in a library setting?
- Softskills
- Discussion-based skills
- Can they make other people comfortable?
- Can they explain things?
- Clear contact information
- Clear pathways for involvement (the pathways to be involved in different programs or locations, what they can do)
- Ability to find space
- Pittsburgh’s intake process:
- Online application
- People can apply for specific positions and locations
- Having a conversation with people (email, phone, in-person)
- Volunteer position requirements: log your hours, wear your id.
- Volunteer will take part in an in-person training workshop
- Expectations new facilitators
- Be compassionate
- Be prepared to work with different types of people
- Be patient with them
- Praise those who are involved