Rendering symbols in the course content


Quick question: How do I get the greater-than and lesser-than symbols to display in my course content? I have them within a list, but the html code for them keeps displaying instead of the actual symbols.

This is what I am trying to achieve, but cannot get it working in the course content:

  • LT: <
  • GT: >

What am I doing wrong?


Mmm, works when I simpy type < or > :

Have you tried typing < or >

Or do you mean you put something like in the text? That is stripped out.

Hi @dirk,

Ok, so it turns out I was looking at the Preview before saving, and in the Preview it was not rendering correctly. Once I saved the content, it then shows up correctly. Sorry, I should have specified that in my original post.



Sorry, also, if there is a greater than, or lesser than symbol within a code block, that seems to not render correctly either.

Take a look at this page:

I see “& gt;” and “& lt;” in a few places.


Hi @dirk,

Please can you tell me what I am doing wrong. I’ve just written some more content ( and it has “& gt;” and “& lt;” all over the place. I need it to display as “>” and “<”.


Ah, I see why that is happening. The <> are being escaped by bleach when the HTML is cleaned and Markdown puts code in a pre tag - thus no processing of > or <

I’ll need to investigate how this can be fixed. I see no quick fix in their documentation :frowning: Do you have any ideas?

Hi @dirk,

Thanks for the reply. I haven’t taken a look at how you are rendering the markdown. I’m quite busy this week with wrapping up projects before we close on Friday. I was thinking about setting up the lernata dev environment to offer some help in fixing the bugs as I come across them.
