Please don't make read only Challenge "Reto: adJ como sistema operativo de escritorio"

When I go to:

It appears

“This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.”

I use to update this challenge and some people inscribes from time to time.

If possible please don’t make it read only.

Hey @vtamara_pasosdeJesus. Unfortunately we’re not able to keep just certain courses active.

I recommend that you move the course to GitHub Pages using our Jekyll course template and move discussions to I can help you get started with the template and get your existing content out of the system in a usable form for the template if you wish to proceed.

Otherwise you can move the course into a normal course (those that live at…) on the P2PU platform. I can help you with this also, but I recommend the previous option since that is our preferred method for creating courses these days.

Let me know what you prefer?

I would prefer the second option, since this challenge offers a badge and I
like the interactivy of lernanta.

I ported the course for you to the newer course format here: Not all the formatting translated well since the newer courses uses Markdown whereas the old courses used HTML.

To port the badge, you will need to create the badge on and then add it to this course.

Let me know if you get stuck anywhere.