Participant engagement features - Embedded geo map and Twitter stream, thanks to @Tim G!

Hey All- Just wanted to show the awesome ish that Tim Gaudette baked up for the Open Science course. I mentioned wanting to be able to add these features to the course back in April/May, and Tim replied with a couple hacks to get them worked in.

Here’s the Twitter feed embedded in the course (scroll down to see it):

And we’re going to try to get voluntary general geographic location info for the participants through a Google form/spreadsheet sent through the course announcements, and place on a page in the course. Here’s what it might look like if we can pull it off:

I’m all for bringing unity to the course and it’s participants, and think that these two additions will help create the hub-like feeling we’re striving for. And @tim is the shit, if I do say so myself. Awesome guy.



I love how P2PU can be a lightweight container for other content and services.

@bekka - what are good ways we can distribute information about this kind of “hacking” to other course organizers? mention / feature on the community call? add to the blog?

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Very, very cool. I’d love to get the Twitter feed on our course page for next time! We have separate WordPress pages for our Why Open? blog hub and Twitter feeds (and links), all linked together, here:, but having the Tweets right on the course page is even better so people don’t have to go to a separate page!