Moderation Settings for Feedback Trello

This goes out to everyone, specifically to @dirk and @Erika:

In order to open the feedback mechanism to the community, can we set the feedback trello so that anyone can make a card? Open Tech School has feedback on Badges and can’t leave it until I open it up to them–but I think we should have a little convo about it here first.

Cheerio VMG

I am all for this, but let’s keep in mind that feedback is a feedback and not necessarily a thing to implement (straightaway or ever). So my suggestion would be a feedback list on the board.

Hey @vanessa

We talked about this on yesterdays community call. We discussed that there are 3 places where we can use for feedback - the trello board, and here (

I don’t mind if we open up the Trello board, but I would prefer to discuss feedback here on thepeople.


Trello is more of a task manager as appose to feedback engine or discussion board even.