Looks like MIT likes the Mechanical MOOC

Look what I found: http://mitcompcamera2.herokuapp.com/


This is great - but I’m not sure they ended up using it. There was talk of using a Google form instead. I remember that because they don’t use email groupings, the Mech MOOC sign-up form seemed a little overkill. But not sure …

Did they only want to use it for signup and then send the emails using another service?

They didn’t need the ability to form small groups. Last I heard they wanted to use Google Forms for sign-up and then send email through the MIT Media Lab SMTP server.

It looks like they are running the course if I look at the Google Analytics (which they have changed btw).

And here are their lectures: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8CQoYMo9Yco-BT5avTvN1KGsJFAb6RdD