Introduce yourself!

Hi Todd, welcome to our community! Glad to have you. If you’re interested in joining a learning circle near you (or online), you can find upcoming learning circles here!

If you’re interested in starting a learning circle of your own to learn with other people who share your interests, a great place to start is our topic guide to Computer Programming that has courses and tips for facilitators interested in this subject. You can also check out our Knowledge Base to learn more about the basics of facilitation.

We’re hosting a monthly call on December 7th (RSVP) for current facilitators to ask questions and share experiences. We also have a Facilitator Orientation happening February 15th (RSVP), which is a great space to get a general overview to facilitation.

Let us know if you have any questions about getting started with learning circles - always happy to help!

Hi all , I’m from Jordan , I have main subject Earth and Environmental Science , and highly interested in sustainability and circular economy , Im here because I like people and like peer to peer learning , and wish it will be interesting Idea.


Hi Jordan, I’m really excited that you’ve joined us and would love to help you start a learning circle on this topic!

Anyone can start a learning circle to learn with other people who share their interests - here are the basics of facilitation! The Ellen MacArthur Foundation lists a variety of online courses about circular economics, and once you find a course that you’d like to facilitate (let’s use this one as an example), you can add it to our website. Once it’s added to our website, you can start a learning circle that other learners can join - here are some instructions!

For more ideas, you can visit ur topic guide on Climate Change designed to help facilitators find courses and tips on the subject.

We’d love to help you get started however we can, and you can email us at with questions. You can also join our facilitator call on December 7th to ask questions and get support!

Hi , im Nesreddine from Algeria 25 yo . I am English student in Algeria , 3rd license of English departement . I like games and speaking with other peoples .

Hi! I’m Janet. I am the Business and Career Development Librarian for the Millwood Community in Spokane County. I’m curious to learn more about P2PU and to see how I can develop it to help my community.

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Sustainability, folk skills and circular economies are one of my interests also.

Hey, everyone! I’m Fábio and I’ve been facilitating a course for teachers of English and this year we’ve been expanding the community so I was reminded of the P2PU platform and I’m thinking of using the learning circles to run my Teacher’s Club and perhapps expand to everyone else here. We’ll be exploring topics ranging from teaching languages to brain science and others. I hope to connect with others interested in joining our circle and/or people who are simply interested in discussing the dynamics of facilitation and the P2PU platform.

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Hi everyone This is Sabit. Want to join Introductory Programming Language in Python Looking forward to gaining the knowledge.

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Greetings from NGO: ADET (Togo) contact: or whatsapp:+22892473495.
I’m Dosse SOSSOUGA one of those who innovated SDGs with the United Nations from 2012 to 2015, I’m member of international, regional and national SDGs networks. Granted ECOSOC special status, NGO: ADET is accreditated by UN accreditated system as, advisor, Africa Blockchain Finance organizer.

Hey Everyone,

I’m Jeff Gilpin. I recently retired and I found P2PU.Org looking for writing guides, writing interests, and other people who may be interested in #writing like I am. I enjoy writing songs for the guitar that I perform and post on my SoundCloud and I also write haiku daily that I post on a Facebook page I created (One Haiku a Day) and on Twitter or X as it’s now called (#onehaikuaday), but I still need to write more. I read/listen/watch a lot of fiction and some non-fiction as well, and I have always wanted to write my own stories just to entertain. I still want to write for the sake of writing and see where it takes me. I find the whole process rewarding. I also enjoy sharing creative ideas with like-minded people, if there are any out there.

I am Gaia, from Milan Italy.
I just moved for my husband’s job and I’m on a non working visa.
I would love to connect with people and learn new things! I love learning, such as teaching: I was a elementary school teacher in Italy, so I can help you with kiddos knowledge :relaxed::heart::muscle:t3:

Welcome @Fabio_Luis_da_Cunha @Sabit_Ahmed @Dosse_SOSSOUGA @Jeff_Gilpin and @Gaia_Zonca.

We have a community call coming up on the 15th of November if you’d like to ask any questions or here more about what P2PU does. See our events page on how to join the call.

Hi @Fabio_Luis_da_Cunha - did you end up using learning circles for Teachers Club?

Hi @Sabit_Ahmed . I don’t know where you’re based, but you can keep an eye on Explore Learning Circles to see if there are any learning circles on programming that either meets online or in your area.

There are also many self study programming courses and communities online. A community that I’ve heard being recommended multiple times is

If you know anyone in your vicinity that also wants to learn Python, you could always start your own learning circle and learn together!

Hi @Jeff_Gilpin. There have been several learning circles on writing fiction that used this course. Currently there aren’t any active learning circles happening, but you can keep an eye out to see when one pops up near you.

Hi @Gaia_Zonca, you can have a look on Explore Learning Circles or Teams to see if anything is happening close to you. If not, you could approach your local library to find out what opportunities there are for you to learn new skills or share your knowledge.

Hi all!

My name is Josh. I’m an Adult Services Librarian in Northeast Ohio, USA. Looking for programming ideas led me here.

Welcome Josh! Have you found any inspiration. We have a lot of resources for a program called learning circles ( There are also many other librarians part of the community to bounce ideas with.

We haven’t yet updated our events calendar for this year, but you can check Events for upcoming events, there should be some added shortly!

I am a 30+ years librarian and currently I am the community services librarian at the Largo Public Library in Pinellas County, FL. I oversee the Library’s English Language Learning program. I Manage the Career Online High School program. I lead our annual Welcoming Week, working with the Tampa Bay Refugee Services Task Force. I initiate connections with organizations and ensuring that ALL patrons feel welcome. I have a BA in history from Loyola University Chicago and master’s degree in information and library studies from the University of Michigan. I work in Largo but i live in Tampa.

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