Help!...I can't download...anything

I don’t know if anybody here can help me with this, but I have some kind of a problem which is preventing me from downloading the Python programs needed for this course. I also cannot download Firefox.

I have tried adjusting my security settings but nothing seems to work.

Hi @Chiboli - are you using your own computer to download Python and Firefox or are you using a computer at a library or other place?

Dirk- I am using my own computer. -Chiboli

@Chiboli - there are a lot of things that may be causing this. I see you also asked in the course forum ( Where are you based? Is there someone you know that may be able to help you in person?

I live in Clearlake Oaks, CA. I don’t know anyone personally and I can’t afford to hire someone. So, since I doubt I can figure it out and it doesn’t look like something P2P U. can cover in this situation, I will get as much out of the course as possible anyway. Thanks for your time, James

Good news! I was able to download and install Google Chrome and then the Python programs. Don’t know why it worked but I’ll hold off on complaining for now, lol. Thanks again for everybody’s help.

Good news! I was able to download and install Google Chrome. Then I was able to download and install Python. -James

Awesome! Glad you got it sorted.