- democratizing learning

Hey all,
I am just learning about an open education platform called It is similar to Github, but for Open Educational Resources. Best of all, the platform is open-source as well (roadmap)!

Love and Light,
Brylie Christopher Oxley

Looks promising, do you know the people behind the project?

I don’t know them personally, but the primary developers seem to be Manuel Schoebel and Amir Rahbaran. Manuel created most of the code for the initial platform and Amir has contributed most recently to carry the project forward. Lets see if we can schedule a conference together. :slight_smile:

Hey @dirk, if Manuel and Armir agree, may we discuss some of the roadmap ideas using the P2PU discourse platform?

Sure, I’d be happy to hear their thoughts!

Hey guys,
Thx for your interest. Appreciated. @brylie sent me an Email and here I am. : )

To understand more the idea behind crowducate: (there are also some comments)

And why:

We can definitely schedule a talk or discuss stuff here.

@dirk and @rahbaran can we meet up at the Peeragogy hangout tomorrow (at 18:00 UTC)? The Paragogy group have a loose affiliation with P2PU, and have created a Peeragogy handbook (source) detailing tools/techniques to facilitate peer learning.

This seems like a good opportunity to network and grow.

Sounds great. I’m going to attend the hangout.