Community Call Topics in 2019

In 2019, we wanted to host monthly community calls so we sent out a survey to see what you were interested in. The results of our survey are below (% indicates the number of people who completed the survey who agreed that this should be a topic of a community call).

In order:

  1. Strategies that support effective learning circles, peer-learning, community-based education, and online education. (91%)

  2. Training resources and facilitator onboarding (82%)

  3. P2PU Gathering 2019: a 2-day meeting of P2PU organizers and learning circle facilitators (73%)

  4. Online courses and where to find them or create them (55%)

  5. P2PU’s strategic direction (55%)

  6. New P2PU online tools and software (registration system, evaluation, team page) (36%)

  7. Specific audiences or target groups (indicate which audience below) (36%)

  8. Partnerships with P2PU (indicate which kind of partnerships below) (18%)

  9. Meet, chat, and get to know everyone else involved (instead of discussing something specific) (18%)


@David_Rosen Specific audiences: English language learners, adult basic skills learners, adults who want to learn how to use smartphone learning apps. Partnerships: Community Health Centers for family health or health literacy-related learning circles

  • David I’ll get back to you and see how we can frame the smartphone discussion.

Stephanie from Multnomah: Examples/stories of recent effective learning circles, including how that success was achieved, measured and reported out to leadership

@Megan_Danak feedback on retention of LC learners at other locations - we’ve started offering more of them, on topics the community expressed an interest, but we’re having problems retaining the audience from session #1

@SaraDixon time management strategies for doing Learning Circles as one piece within their larger job descriptions, I’d be interested to hear.

Next topics:

Training discussion is happening on Friday, January 18.

Next, “Strategies” generally was the most popular, although that could mean a lot of things. I think discussions on retention/marketing could be interesting, or as Stephanie said “how success was acheived”. General “peer learning” practices and facilitation could also be rewarding for many of us. Anything specific come to mind for this topic?

P2PU Gathering discussion will certainly happen in March or April I figure. (Gathering information soon to come!)