Badges - not working/looping between two pages

Hi! We’re having issues with badges. After I received an email from a course learner that they were receiving an error message when they attempted to apply for badges, I attempted to access/apply for one of our badges, and it’s doing a loop — you click on ‘apply for the badge’ and it takes you to the ‘we’re going to connect you to badges’ page which then takes you to the badge, where you click on ‘apply for the badge’ which takes you to (you guessed it) ‘we’re going to connect you to badges’……and on and on.

Help! Our course finished today, and I sent out an email encouraging the learners to apply for badges. Thanks!

I understand.

Could you point me to exact badge that you encourage users to apply for? Just paste the URL here, so I can try to do it as well.
I also restarted both servers, just in case something got stuck (I don’t really think this will solve anything, but never hurts to try, right). Please try again as well.

Everything is fine in Chrome now. All 4 badge are working properly, but the loop is still occurring in Explorer.

Here are links to all the badges:
Week 3:
Week 4:

I can only post 2 links at a time. See the email I sent for the Week 5 and 6 badges link.
