About the Pittsburgh IMLS category

This is the place for the project team and wider P2PU community to discuss the 2019-21 IMLS grant between Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Multnomah County Public Library, Onondaga Free Library, and P2PU.

The grant will develop resources for public libraries that empower volunteers to organize and facilitate volunteer-led adult learning programs. The team will develop a model to help a public library of any size support adult learning in a range of topics that are responsive to community needs without relying on staff or paid presenters to envision, plan, develop, and execute programs. This model will be applicable to adult learning and will encompass a variety of formats, such as group skill-shares and discussion groups, peer-facilitated learning circles, and one-on-one mentoring relationships. The resources developed will enable libraries to leverage abundant learning materials available online.

For more, see: https://www.imls.gov/grants/awarded/lg-13-19-0029-19