What other projects out there have leveraged existing brick and mortar community networks to facilitate online learning? Are you interested in seeing P2PU in your community?
I met up with Rael Lissoos at the Sandton library in Johannesburg a few weeks ago. He is setting up a dedicated space at the library equipped with devices and internet. He has about 100 students singed up to do two courses (1 on programming and 1 on business) as part of a mini program. I’m planning to visit the library again now that everything is up and running!
EDIT: here’s a link to a youtube video with some details: https://youtu.be/JDuc9oJWU-o?t=2m30s
This was pointed out by @1l2p: http://eca.state.gov/programs-initiatives/mooc-camp
What is a MOOC Camp? At the core, MOOC Camps are in-person, facilitated discussions around free, online courses, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and open courses. Think about them like the 21st century book club: a place for people to learn together around a common set of resources. MOOC Camps are led by a facilitator, who arranges weekly meetings for participants. MOOC Camps should be open to the general public.
The have a lot of experience and resources to share like their facilitators guide: http://eca.state.gov/files/bureau/mooc_camp_guide_facilitators.pdf
The also have a list of recommended courses, but the link doesn’t work for me