Submissions for webmakin101 badges keep piling up

I noticed that, while new peers keep taking the webmaking101 challenges, the submission for the HTML BASIC, DNS, HOSTING and PUBLISHING badges keep piling up and almost no one is addressing the issue. It’s not really nice for people who worked hard on the challenges.
I myself have the notifications for these badges active and I’m leaving feedback for those badges, but the collaboration of three peers is expected for the badges to be awarded and there have been no signs of life on the platform from other peers who adopted the challenges. It’s sad.
It’s almost as if nobody cares anymore. Hope this little reminder helps bringing people back to the challenges.

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Thanks for bringing this up! A while back we took some time during a community call to review badges specifically for these challenges. @bekka maybe we can do so again in the upcoming community call?

@valebb84 we do care about those challenges and we are currently talking with Mozilla about doing some things to help with the problems you are mentioning. Maybe @vanessa or @1L2P can chip in.


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Dirk said it all pretty much.

We are hoping that Mozilla or others will put a little energy into the community aspect of these challenges. And are discussing different options with them at the moment. I’ll also send a link to this thread to Chris Lawrence, the Webmaking manager.

I really appreciate that you took the time to raise this issue here @valebb84 - If you have idea how to build a stronger community around these challenges and badges, please share them. We’d love to hear ideas from the community and how we could support them.

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I’m glad if I can help to better the platform and strenghten the community. :smile:
It’s a wonderful idea and it’d be sad if people lost interest in it.

Thank you. Those challenges kind of still feel like the core of p2pu to me and I see new peers are still taking them. I’m glad if anything can be done to help keeping the reviews for the submissions going.