P2PU in Finland - poetic translation

Teemu Leinonen, Associate Professor at Aalto University in Finland, has just written an article (in Finnish) about they way learning circles have emerged in the US, and how the program may differ in Finland, a country with a rich history of informal adult education.

Teemu warned me that Google Translate from Finnish to English is not very good, but I’ve pulled some excerpts from a full Google translation that a) get his point across and b) sound somehow poetic in their imperfect translation.



Now available through P2PU

MOOC courses can be studied in study circles

In addition to studying, together with others,

for example creative writing,

keeping a presentation in English, healthy

food preparation or even for themselves

the opposite political opinion



In a way P2PU has changed

the future global network of universities

local to the liberal education worker who

make the Internet wise.


However, the need for adult education is not diminishing.

On the contrary, on the contrary. Best

vaccine to modern scourges, such as the Internet

pervasive beliefs, vague and huffy,

is a scientific worldview


Confident in strong civil society

we have responded to the civic needs of our citizens for decades

governmental colleges and workers’ colleges

and networks of study centers. If

In Finland, someone wants to study independently

and arranging the study circle, it will certainly succeed.

Support is available. Or at least the structures are

okay. Or are you?