Hi everyone,
This is a follow-up to my first post on showcasing past learning circles, which we talked about in our first meeting of the UX Working Group.
We’ve put together some mockups of what these changes could look like, and we have more questions for you! Please take a look and let us know what you think
Here’s the link: https://www.figma.com/proto/xgIctRRq6mSaDuGigDeuz3/Past-LCs?node-id=179%3A35&scaling=min-zoom
At this point we have a pretty good general idea of what we want to do - show all of the team’s learning circles, past and present, and make it easy to navigate to the most relevant ones. We still have some questions around the following aspects:
- How should we categorize learning circle availability? ie. simply “registration open” vs “registration closed”, or break it down further with “in progress” and “completed”?
- Should we include past/closed learning circles in the search results by default?
- When your learning circle ends, what do you want to share with others on the website? Photos, video, notes, something else? We’re not planning to add any new functionality for capturing artifacts from learning circles right away, but it’s something we’d like to do in the future so this is the first step in thinking about how to go about doing that.