Hello Everyone!!!
I am the evaluation partner for P2PU and their Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) study of which the Kansas City Public Libraries are a part. I will be collecting and analyzing learner data as well as other information about Kansas City and five other library systems throughout the country that are participating in the of the study. Our goal is to determine how well Learning Circles (LCs) work in various environments with an effort to design support systems which further the success of LCs. Overall, the Learning Circle model was developed for public library systems to increase the likelihood of success in online educational formats for those without college degrees.
Your input is key!! Please share the successes, challenges and opportunities of your experiences with Learning Circles. Suggested topics include a wide array of areas including technology, curriculum, personalities, barriers and sources of personal motivation.
What types of experiences did you find most challenging or rewarding?
Please describe how you found out about LCs and what inspired you to become a facilitator. Would you be interested in connecting with other facilitators in Kansas City as well from other cities participating in the IMLS study to learn from their experiences?
If you are involved with outreach and engagement for the library – what efforts were implemented to bring attention to LCs? Are different branches experiencing higher levels of success? If so, what may be contributing factors?