Internet Society

As you know, I am a member of the Internet Society/IETF! The goals of the Internet Society align with our sharing knowledge goals and I would like to invite you to be a member so we can synchronize our knowledge and goals.

Please, log into;

…and click on the Member Login button on the right top of the page menu. From there you will be taken to the member login area,

click on register:

After you have registered and Joined, on your dashboard;

on Collaborate and Network > click on connect.


In the connect area,


click search... then, type my name.

Eduardo Bonsi

Let us connect! See you here and there!

Just registered. Sent you a message.
Thanks for your inputs.

You’re very welcome Adrien! I also sent you an invitation to connect from the Internet Society dash board.

Talk to you soon,


Hi @Eduardo_Bonsi

Great to see this information about the Internet Society.

Other than signing up to be part of their membership, are there other ways that P2PU and our network might be involved with IS?

It appears that they are offering online courses for people to learn about how the internet Might those who are interested in running these courses also run these courses as a learning circle?

Be in touch,


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I am very happy to have you as a new member of the Internet Society, Nico @Nico_Koenig! I will be bringing many of their courses here shortly. Anyone from here also can join IS and access those courses as well. Internet Society has a great philosophy and as many join in and participate the better it will be for all of us. Look for my name and profile, let’s connect!

See you here and there!

done, thanks for making me aware of the IETF!

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Welcome @clare_jordan! After you joined the Internet Society, look for my name in the directory! Send me a message so I can add you to my address book.

All the best,