Feature request thread

This is the thread to document ideas that you have for new features. They can be software ideas (automatic flyer generator!) or facilitation resources (a video demonstrating facilitation in action!).

This is where we will look to decide what to prioritize. Once an idea is documented here, the next step is to elaborate the concept in a feature request.

Our near-term features are listed below. To suggest a feature, please reply to this thread!

Currently working on (Oct - Dec)

Community digest

Update how weekly facilitator feedback is prompted, displayed, shared

  • Courses added this week
  • Learning circles created this week
  • Feedback from learning circles
  • Stories from finished learning circles
  • New versus returning facilitators
  • Who has done the most? Facilitator and location
  • New resources/activities
  • Recent announcements on Discourse

P2PU stats dash / reporting

Think about a few measurements for us:

  • nr of facilitators who facilitate a 2nd learning circle
  • nr of learning circles that last for intended duration
  • nr of participants to who sign up for a 2nd learning circle
  • nr of learners who reach their goal during the learning circle
  • Something related to next steps - what do people want to do with the skills they developed, are they able to do that/can we help them do it?

Planned (2019 Q1)

Groundwork for OER collective

  • Improve prompting for course feedback
  • Aggregate results and surface

Community consultation/promotion

Improve overall site flow, messaging, and navigation

  1. Site map; think how we want users to flow through the site
  2. Look at analytics, see how people find us, where they go through, etc.
  3. Where do return visitors go?
  4. Update lower half of homepage, bring back some of old facilitate
  5. Integrate Chiara work into our site, + new video Sharon and Grif are making
  6. Make course in a box learning circle training (see idea here)
  7. Success page for LC creation?
  8. Update all messaging to facilitators
  9. Map, calendar, etc.

Low bandwidth environments

  • Something to address difficulty with bandwidth
  • Update to handbook for low bandwidth environments
  • Platform guides for low bandwidth
  • Ability to pull updated handbook from discourse posts

UX improvements to learning circle creation

  • keeping state
  • Client-side routing
  • Optimize size of React code sent to client
  • Test sign in during creation
  • Success page when learning circle is created

Resources for running training workshop

(notes from open space discussion, see also open space session 2.1)

  • Useful support for training new facilitators
    • Slidedeck
      • Framing the benefits to the audience clearly
    • “How to start a learning circle” online course which is used as first learning circle
      • Could include scenario discussion: what is an LC and what is not an LC
  • Facilitator supports and activities
    • Recipes cards shorter and cleaner
    • Certificates are useful to end the learning circle
    • Starting a learning circle should be focused on the discussing the learning circle process and not the course
    • String Game as introduction can be useful “pass string from one person to someone else and get interconnected web”
    • Class photo is a great exercise
  • Resource for regional training

Improved Promotion Advertising Email/Package

  • Automated twitter / facebook campaign
  • Custom flyer, filled-in templates, link to webpage, etc. in facilitator email w/ resource area for promotion in dashboard/community
    • One-button to print filled in flyer
    • Pre-filled tweet
    • Pre-filled paragraph
  • Event metadata (open graph) for when sharing on fb/twitter
  • Tailor learning circle creation email to be usable as a promotional element.
  • Auto calendar for learners
  • Facilitator gets email with promotional resources and nudge to join the community, maybe also including a few pieces of feedback from TASCHA report.

Steps for promotion: q method, identify non library channels, + reaching back out to folks who have signed up.

i18n improvements

  • Update application to use only fully translated UX for a given language
  • Tasks
    • Separate UX & backend (need a stable API)
    • Message packs
    • Tooling to use latest EN version + translated strings to build updated translated version
  • Front end language builds

Improve team management workflow

  • Change the way that people are added to teams
  • Suggest teams when people sign up
  • Have organizer confirm membership
  • Consider sending updates to whole team


A post was split to a new topic: Discourse gravatar integration not working