Communications Calendar

The blog posts are coming thick and fast at the moment, and this makes me so happy, I could do a little dance (in fact, I am dancing, on the inside).

We have a couple of big reports coming out soon too, so in an effort to make sure that blog posts, LCL report, @vanessa’s assessment report and all the others that are coming down the pipe get the time in the sun that they deserve, I’ve worked up a P2PU communications calendar for us:

It’s totally open public, so if anyone (non-staff, affiliates, course participants, partners) is interested in adding to it, or seeing when stuff will go up, they can.

You’ll also see that some of you (@vanessa, @1L2P , @Erika) have been added for posts related events you’re going to be speaking at. These are not set in stone! But it would be great to have previews or summaries of these events, or links to your presentations, or photo montages or anything like that.

I’ll add this as a topic for the community call, if anyone wants to talk about this a little more.

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Super happy to see this. One suggestion, would be good to add an outreach plan for LCL report and make sure we’ve had a response from Mitch or Natalie before publishing.

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Of course - nothing goes out until it’s had a response.
Agreed about the promotion plan, but I don’t think the calendar is the right place to put it.

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@bekka thank you so much for putting together a communications plan. Totally rad.

I wonder if the Trello board on blog posts is the right place for the outreach plan.

Also coming down the pike for my part:
-Music MOOC whitepaper
-Peer assessment whitepaper
-Badges conference in SF blog post

All of these are in the trello board under writing projects, with accompanying due dates.


Brilliant. Thank you.
Perhaps we can make another trello board for the outreach and link it to
the appropriate boards (blogs/manifestos/reports)

+1 for one trello board (different colors for different types of content) instead of a calendar. I find the calendar harder to keep track of.

@bekka please let me know when you’ve pegged the new trello to our “big board”

I’d like to release the assessment pieces on every Weds during the month of Feb.

Part 1: Feb 5
Part 2: Feb 12
Part 3: Feb 19

(That means @1L2P will need to scrub part 3 soonly :smile: )

I think I’ve done it properly (have just linked to the fledgling comms/outreach board in the description of this board).
Any additions etc most welcome, of course…