Anyone interested in taking a course on Human Centered Design

I’m planning to do a course on the Human Centered Design process from IDEO starting 20 August, 2015

The course is being run on the Novoed platform, here is the link to the course:

Anyone keen on joining? Maybe we can form a group?

Hey Dirk,

There are a few of us on the Mozilla Participation Team taking this course. We’re planning to group together once we have a better idea of what that means in the context of this course.

That’s great, maybe I can join your group depending on how the course is structured? Do you have an idea of a specific design challenge that you would like to work on?

We can maybe do some brain storming. Wondering your take :

You will learn
the human-centered design process by applying it to one of three
pre-crafted real world design challenges (provided in the course). You
will also have a choice to craft your own challenge.

Does this mean , we will do real-world design challenges AND THEN our own choice OR we will can work on their real-world design challenge OR our own choice. When we ran something similar with the course, we found it was better to work on something not too close to the problems we try to solve every day, to focus on learning.

I think it means we can either work on a problem from the course or our own problem.

Working on something relevant could help to make the process real and have people engaged, but I agree that if the problem is too close to home it is easy to get stuck in the problem rather than learn more about the process (which is the purpose of this course).

I would like to see what real world design challenges they provide in the course?