About the Erasmus+ category


This is the public place for discussion about the 2018-21 EU Erasmus+ project, Learning circles in libraries. This project is led by Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego in Poland, with additional partners in Germany (Stadtbibliothek Kőln), Romania (Fundatia Progress), Portugal (Biblioteca Lucio Craveiro da Silva), and Finland (Suomen eOppimiskeskus ry).

The aim of the project is to facilitate access to useful online learning resources for adults using the learning circle methodology developed by P2PU. Together we are:

  • Conducting background research in 2018-19, including writing a white paper on adult learning and scanning for high quality online learning resources in each partner’s language.
  • Translating and adapting the learning circle methodology and software in 2019-20.
  • Training up to 25 learning circle organizers in 2020, who will lead facilitation workshops in each country.
  • Running a series of facilitation training workshops 2021, leading to learning circles happening in libraries across each of the partner countries.

    Additional information
  • Budget: EUR 368,926
  • Funding: European Union Erasmus + Program Action 2: Strategic partnerships / Adult education
  • Timeline: September 2018 - August 2021

This is a great spot for us to communicate and support each other as we continue on this learning circle journey.