Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare (Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile)

What recommendations do you have for other facilitators who are using "Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare"? Consider sharing additional resources you found helpful, activities that worked particularly well, and some reflections on who this course is best suited for. For more information, see this course on P2PU’s course page.

This course received a 3 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
I wanted to understand how the learning circle method works

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
Learned about how online-group learning works in bug groups

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
Create new learning circles in the future

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 3 star/stars?
The online course support is the best for real in-depth learning.

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

The method seems suitable for adult learning

Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
Sa invat mai multe din domeniul dezbatut

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
Ce important este sa lucrezi in echipa

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
sa avem mai multe schimburi de idei, de proiecte

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
Simplu, util, clar, cu activitati interactive

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

Este altceva

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
să aflu cât mai multe despre scrierea de proiecte

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
am descoperit foarte multe lucruri si despre comunicare si formarea echipei

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
vreau să fac parte dintr-o echipă care implementează un proiect sau chiar să implementez eu un proiect

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
pentru că mi-a plăcut enorm acest mod de învățare deoarece a dat șansă fiecăruia să se exprime

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

pentru că merită, deoarece îți dezvolți abilitățile de comunicare dar și să descoperei lucruri noi alături de alți oameni

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
Să îmi fixez câteva noțiuni despre scrierea proiectelor

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
despre echipă : diversă, valoroasă

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
Voi scrie cel puțin o aplicație ptr o finanțare

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
Mi-a îndeplinit toate așteptările

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

Ptr ca este confortabil, ușor de parcurs, noțiuni explicate bine

Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
Să pot aplica în viitorul apropiat

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
Am invățat cum se elaborează structura unui proiect

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
Alături de colegi, pe viitor

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
Pentru că formatorii sunt extraordinari

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

Pentru că este constructiv și este de viitor

Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare

This course received a 4 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
Să cunosc oameni pasionați și să cunosc amănunte despre Proiecte

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
da, despre cât de nuanțate sunt problemele- și la proiecte

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
Intenționez să mă informez constant despre surse de finanțare, proiecte deja derulate și implementate

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 4 star/stars?
Mi-au lipsit cercurile de învățare - mi-aș fi dorit să am un grup de lucru constant, pe care să îl cunosc mai bine, cu care să petrec mai mult timp

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

Pentru că nu trebuie să ne imităm doar la ce facem zi de zi, trebuie să facem, dacă putem!

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
să ne lămurim ce înseamnă exact scrierea unui proiect

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
este nevoie de multă muncă și implicare

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
să înțeleg cât mai bine nevoia comunității

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
m-am simțit implicată

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

pentru a ajuta comunitatea

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
Cum sa dezvolt o idee de proiect

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
Cum sa obtin feedback din partea comunitatii pentru ideea de proiect

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
Sa imi regandesc ideile

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
Pentru ca au fost interesante, interactive si pline de informatii

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

Pentru ca am avut multe lucruri de invatat

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
Etapele unui proiect.

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
Ca trebuie sa acordam timp si rabdare, pentru fiecare etapa.

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
Vreau sa scriu un proiect adaptat nevoilor comunitatii.

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
Pentru ca e foarte util sa poti face schimb de idei, iar asta e important. Sa te poti inspira de la alti oameni cu aceleasi interese.

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

Pot invata de la ceilalti.

This course received a 4 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
sa invat scrierea unui proiect

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?
complexitatea unui proiect

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
prin implicare mai activa

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 4 star/stars?
fiindca preferam interactiunea fata-n fata

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

fiindca a fost interesant

This course received a 5 star rating from a participant!

What did you hope to achieve when you joined this learning circle?
to learn, to write a project

To what extent did you achieve this?

Is there anything else that you learned or achieved during the learning circle?

Do you feel more confident about what you just learned in Scrierea unei propuneri de finanțare ?

How do you intend to apply what you learned?
to be part a project

How well did the online course work as a learning circle?

Why did you give the course 5 star/stars?
because is intersting

How likely are you to recommend participating in a learning circle to a friend or colleague?

you can learn a lot about a project