Commons University Association

I first introduced my idea about my ideas of the “Commons University Association” in another thread (when I introduced myself). I am using this topic to update this activity.

Any feedback is very helpful, so don’t be shy :slightly_smiling:

This is my first post.

  1. I created a website. Feel free to join and comment, or the other way round.

  2. I will start my first learning circle in April. The course is Responsible Innovation from edX.

  3. I am going to Brazil in the next days. There I will meet the guys from the student union CABS I was president back in 2004 (Electrical Eng. school at University of Campinas). I will show them the P2PU approach and the Commons-Uni as well. My ideia is that they can use their organization to gather more facilitators to teach in poorer communities there and also disseminate the activities through the Engineering for Social Development network in Brazil. I also plan to ask some help to translate the learning circle materials to Portuguese.


I think you have a wonderful idea. Right now i am researching about the best practice systematization, founding technical transference as an alternative to build communities around this topic for health professional

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