I’m wondering about usage scenarios for School of IoT conversations and peer reviews.
Our initial plan is to use Discourse platform for everyone to contribute weekly and get feedback from other peers. We want people to tag their contents with tags ala week1, week2, so we could discriminate these contents. I’m wondering how does Discourse platform work with multi tag selection (Week1 & SchoolOfIoT Tags for example).
We want to offer our contents in English and Spanish, so we will double the ammount of tags (Week1 and Semana1 p.e). If we run several iterations of the course, we should add the year or quarter to the tags or add multiple tags so SchoolofIoTQ314, SchoolofIoTQ215, (or schoolofiot q3 2014).
Given our courses would run for 5 + 6 + 6 weeks, we will be adding at least 35-40 tags in total. How does that scale with several courses running on the same instance?
I do agree that cross-pollination is a very valuable feature but I’m wondering how well does Discourse work given the ammount of courses and tags.